Conscious Intention decides your fate

It’s not what you do that is important, rather what intention you carry at your work decides your fate.

You have to fall in love with what you do. If you don’t love what you do, you have to figure out the way to fall in love with it.

It’s possible. There is always a silver lining in the clouds.

You may be serving people throughout the day, but what kind of intentions you carry decides whether you succeed or fail in life. The success is not a one time achievement rather the true success is a constant growth in life.

You fail only when you fell short of love. Where there is love there is success.

Life happens at a subtle level. More than physical what’s important is, what you carry at a subtle level. It’s the subtle world that keeps the life moving.

Your inner world should be pure. No evil should exists in your heart.

Your success or failure is decided by your intentions. Love is the greatest force in life. It can overcome any obstacle. Work is important but what’s more important is you work with love.

Do things out of love whether you like it or not and your perspective will change towards the things.

Work is just a work. The one who Excel at his work is the one who pour his heart and soul to it. You have to be interested in your work. You have to be interested in the things that is happening around you.

When you take interest in life, you figure out more things to fall in love with. You attract more of what you do on a daily basis. If you enjoy what you do on a daily basis you will find more reasons to be happy on a daily basis. Like attracts like.

What you hate is adored by someone. What you dislike is liked by someone. Many times what we dislike, some people are willing to do it for free. Many times we don’t value what we receive in life. When you value what you have, you receive more of it.

Jesus Christ has beautifully describe the phrase, ” The one who will have more, more will be given to them and the one who has less, even that will be taken.

What it suggests that, you grow goodness by doing goodness because that’s what you attract in your life.

The most important thing about joy is you create it. It comes to you when you accept the life at hand. Most of the people wants to be some where else but not in the present moment. True joy of life can be found only in the present moment.

Accept your present life the way it is and you will drop all the contrast from your life.

More you run away from the life at hand more you invite pain and suffering in life. More you connect with the life at the moment, more you experience the joy in your life.

How to know and live the Purpose of life?

One query I receive often, and that is what is the purpose of my life?

We frame the question in our mind, according to the state of mind we hold in the moment. If we have a positive state of mind, our questions remains positive and bring us closer to the truth of life, while when we hold negative state of mind, the questions raise by the mind takes us away from the existential truth of life. (more…)

How to know and live the Purpose of life?

One query I receive often, and that is what is the purpose of my life?

We frame the question in our mind, according to the state of mind we hold in the moment. If we have a positive state of mind, our questions remains positive and bring us closer to the truth of life, while when we hold negative state of mind, the questions raise by the mind takes us away from the existential truth of life. (more…)

With Responsibility comes Maturity and Growth


How many of us like to take responsibility in life?

We all want to grow and get better in life, but at the same time, we are not ready to take added responsibilities. When you do what you are meant to do, you don’t grow with it. You grow when you do over and above, what has been assigned to you or what comes in your assigned duty.

You may come across young people who are quite mature and you will also find the adults, those who have no sense of life. The only difference in them is of responsibility. (more…)

With Responsibility comes Maturity and Growth


How many of us like to take responsibility in life?

We all want to grow and get better in life, but at the same time, we are not ready to take added responsibilities. When you do what you are meant to do, you don’t grow with it. You grow when you do over and above, what has been assigned to you or what comes in your assigned duty.

You may come across young people who are quite mature and you will also find the adults, those who have no sense of life. The only difference in them is of responsibility. (more…)

Be an Observer of life for the Solution


Life is in this moment. If you want a solution, hold yourself at the moment. The solution exists in this moment, but the mind and body want to run away from the moment and move into the future for the solution.

It’s hard to hold yourself in the moment. The moment is pure life without any filter. When you are wandering into the past or the future with your body and mind, you are chasing your own tail. (more…)

Be an Observer of life for the Solution


Life is in this moment. If you want a solution, hold yourself at the moment. The solution exists in this moment, but the mind and body want to run away from the moment and move into the future for the solution.

It’s hard to hold yourself in the moment. The moment is pure life without any filter. When you are wandering into the past or the future with your body and mind, you are chasing your own tail. (more…)

Your State of Mind is Everything


When you want to achieve something in life, the most important thing to achieve anything or everything in your life is your state of mind. Unless you act with the right state of mind, it’s hard to achieve the desired result. The right state of mind open the ways for you, that you couldn’t even imagine in your mind.

Life is spontaneous and moves like a pendulum. It can shift in any direction depending on your state of mind. Your response in the moment decides the direction of your life, and more importantly, you can change this direction anytime. (more…)

Life comes with many Twists and Turns


Life is unpredictable. If you can adjust yourself with the unpredictability of life, you can sail through life. The mind cannot stop imagining things for the future. But when it comes to reality, the reality always differs the imagination of the mind.

The mind imagines something else, while the life happens out of its own process. No matter what you try to achieve in your life, you are bound to experience twists and turn. (more…)

It takes time to Build a Life of your Choice


Life is magical, but please don’t expect the magic to appear too soon. Walk the path and put necessary effort, before you experience the magic of life.

It takes time to build a life of your choice. First thing, you can build the life of your choice. Second thing, you have to be patience with it. It doesn’t come up from a magic bend. It’s you who build up every day the life of your choice. (more…)